They dream no more! Of change, of greatness
They heed no more! Wails and cries
They feel no more! The shifting tide
They hear no more! The call of the hour
They try no more! Content with little
They see no more! The blinding light just over the horizon
They fear no more! An unknown death, an unmarked grave
Men devoid of hope, men devoid of purpose… a nation indulged in self-castigation!
They will not lead and will not be led, busy admiring the gleam of their shackles!
Ah! What ripened hour it is for a Hero to rise! When the merit is so low and the need so high!
I mock thee and poke your pride! Let me see if in this desolate land, a tinder yet burns, a dream incubates, a vision clears, a hero does rise!
For I lay hope at the altar of despair like a lamb, its haunches tied, its mouth muffled and soon I will slit its throat and with its blood curse the souls of all who did not try!