Come to my aid o’ prince of darkness, strengthen my arm be my guide, I intend to learn from a master, I grow weary of conformity, I crave to be a rebel for I know that change is but difference and I am to be different, show me your path so that I can ravage the balance and destroy the strings that make me a puppet. I implore thee, show me thy guile and vile for I have to befool a man and earn a day’s living, show me thy corruption for I crave that which belongs to someone else, show me thy vanity so that I can stand in front of Him, He who thought it wise to make black dust the essence of earth, I have improved and made glittering gems the harvest of earth, show me thy evil for I must kill my opponent or be killed, show me thy darkness for I must scatter the unity of my people to get to the seat of power, show me thy strength and valor for I must take on all creation and come out victor, grant me thy archive of sins for I must indulge my customers in pleasure to satisfy my profession, why do you not answer, silence is the virtue of God surely you are active and loud in your daily corruption, why are you not willing to commune with him who wishes to be thy agent, come now and let your evil flow in my lode to my heart to my mind by my hand bringing forth our definite era, answer me, answer me NOW! (A small whisper comes) “I am he from whom you seek guidance, o’ deifier of limits; I muster my entire strength to bring you these words, if the love and beauty of our Creator could not inspire thee, how can it be that my evil and darkness corrupt thee? NO! You are your own Jekyll and your own Hyde”.